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Ethical Standards

Code of Ethics

In October 1999, the Board of Directors developed and approved this Code of Ethics pertaining to Bruce Peninsula Hospitals Foundation.

Our code states:

  1. Our donors are our prime concern and our first priority.
  2. Legally receiptable donations of $10.00 or more will receive a charitable tax receipt.
  3. All designated gifts are strictly allocated according to the donor’s preference.
  4. All funds of BPH Foundation are spent to benefit the peninsula’s healthcare facilties and the people requiring them.
  5. BPH Foundation is governed and managed solely by residents of the Bruce Peninsula and area.
  6. All financial records are audited annually by a recognized accounting firm and reports filed with the Charities Branch of Revenue Canada. Our annual reports are available to any donor upon request.
  7. Confidentiality is strictly adhered to in all matters. Donors names and the amount of specific donations are not released to the media without the prior approval of the donor.
  8. We do not solicit by telephone.
  9. We do not sell or give our donors lists to anyone. Neither will we buy or accept donors lists from any other charity or corporation.
  10. We do not have the right to tell you to give or to tell you how much your gift should be; but we do maintain the right to ask for your gift and to suggest various amounts and methods of giving.


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